Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bad News

A Republican has been sworn in for the Virginia senatorial vote. This is bad. If more Republicans make it to the senate they will end Obama's influence. We cannot allow a come back for the GOP. If the Senate balance tips in thier favor they will further halt progress of the new democratic administration. Do We want to stop corrections from being made? Do we want to stop equality? Do we want Bush back in power? What is wrong with you independents. If Obama fails it will be because Big bussiness would rather see thier families maimed than loose power and money. This is ridiculous. If the Right wing pulls a fast one again and conservatives tip the scale yet again I hereby declare there is need for action. If reforms cannot be made there shall be no more compromises, the liberal agenda must be fufilled. If the Socialist Revolution does not take place in this century then Lenin was right. We need a vanguard revolutionary liberal party to overthrow this false democracy.

"Workers of the world Unite!"

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Final Solution

You want to know my solution to America's problems?

Step 1: All Conservatives removed from political office.
Step 2: Emergency Executive powers to Obama.
Step 3: Raise taxes on anyone making over 200,000 a year by a 40% or more increase.
Step 4: Abolishment of private property.
Step 5:Capitol equality to pay for universal healthcare.
step 6: Pull all troops from all areas back to U.S. to cut military spending.
Step 7: One unified national security force to keep order.
Step 8: Enjoy prosperity.

Obama Progress Report

So yesterday I read a powerpoint review of President Obama's progress on keeping promises he has made. Some say good job like me, not a year into office and a new tax plan, healthcare reform, and troop withdrawl are in actual motion. Although the promise of lobbyists being left out of politics being broken he is working hard to achieve other goals. He promised another garrison in Afghanistan and he has done that so we can trust him as a leader we just need to give him more time. Like... the problems we have today....were caused by a long republican its gonna like take a long time to fix these issuess that we have cus it took a long time to make the problems. As one commenter said I would like to relay his message. some people said obama wasnt doing anything cus it said all decisions were in progress not complete, lets think about the "NO ACTION" statement that would be there for a republcan president. Republicans do not take action in times of crisis they just take the glory of prosperity. This seperates us Dems from the GOP monkeys.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Brief History of Betrayal

The new age I believe is on its way. The GOP has been revealed as the crooks they are. Now Madoff and the rest of the right wing businessmen taking from the common folk lie in prison. I don't see how so many independents can vote republican. Lets take a quick history lesson on Republican presidencies and their results. I'll start with Calvin Coolidge, C.C decided to lift rules pertaining to heavy speculation in the stock market. As he said the business of America is business. So he let anyone and everyone buy on credit even when they could not afford to do so. The roaring 20's was an age of fake borrowed prosperity. Then Boom as a result the Great Depression hits. Now we have a mister Herbert Hoover in charge during the financial breakdown. Herbert decides to trust in the grand old republican tradition, Let everything be. He told States to fend for themselves and allow charity work to care for the poor. He allowed suffering and did not only not work on correcting banking errors and regulation of walstreet but he decided to give no federal aid to anyone. Hoover vills were popping up all over the country as people renamed shanty towns in honor of their good for nothing leader. Finally Hoover was gone and Roosevelt brought sweeping reform. Now moving on we have Ronald Reagan, the actor, governor, president, a phony and a hack I say. People still believe he brought down the soviet Union which may be true, however he spent all the countries money on military expansion raising taxes and cut welfare programs for those in need. The Soviet Union followed the Marxist rule of display and would have not attacked us. They were setting an example for the rest of the world, but out of fear in the arms race they went bankrupt. Yes Stalin and Lenin were horrible dictators but the goal was equality which was almost achieved. Now lets end with my friend G Dubbs A.K.A George W. Bush. This man is one of the biggest embarrassments to this nation. Due to a disagreement with his fathers policies he decided on the Nazi takeover approach in the middle east. The war was a wrong injustice to the natives and a heavy cost to us back home. Backed by Dick Cheney's personal interests with the cover up of securing our future resource needs he and his Blackwater company began to exploit the oil available in the war zone. He did this not for America but for profit off of American citizens. I could go on and on, but I shall stop here. - JMA

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bright side of new taxes.

Not too many people enjoy high taxes or multiple forms of taxation on goods. However there is an extreme upside to the Obama administration's new federal tax program. Unfortunately most people especially republicans only care for themselves and their special interests, so as a result nobody wants to pay for anything or take responsibility to create a more perfect union. As you know the Feds have built up a nice spot of red ink recently, record deficits have conservative and middle minded Americans scared. The easy solution to close the widening negative gap is clear, a small federal tax on everything you can think of. Yes this raises costs for everyone , but in the long run we will quickly lessen or close national deficits. Hundreds of billions in tax revenue can turn things around for us. The problem is many are apposed to this because they do not want to be hindered by taxes. Democrats finally have the upper hand and can unleash a new wave responsible financing for our future , but first we must all do our part to settle the financial crisis. The problem I feel with this nation is that we have become greedy war mongering fiends that have forgot the principals this country was founded on. We have been split into a bunch of every man for himself members of society when that is not what a society is at all. We need to be unified, unification does not work if we are not equal. Taxes are not evil.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I hate Republicans


I would like my first entry on here to be about my passionate hate of the republican party. I really hate the right wing and all of their policies and ideas. Republicans get in the way of progress towards a more perfect union. Right wing advocates fight for the rich only and are only interested in special interests of their own wealth and state affairs. Republicans are so backwards it is ridiculous. They fight science and reforms to save ourselves and the enviroment. Also they fight for religion to take place in politics which there is no room for. Also there are certain liberties which all human beings should be entitled and then there are some that ruin society. Guns provoke violence because they are efficient weapons, if we make it so noeone has access to firearms except the military and police and federal government we will save thousands of lives a year. Today there are 11,00 or more gun related deaths in the United States. Also since republicans only care about thier own well being they refuse to reform affordable healthcare for all Americans. " There is no conservative America and a Liberal America there is the United States of America, we may have differences but together we can get things done."- President Barack H. Obama. The corruption on walstreet and our overly capitolist financial system is cruel and unfair to the middle class. I cannot stand the Republican party the GOP should all be shipped off to their own planet.